The Anatomy of a French Bulldog’s Face

‍French Bulldogs are known for their unique facial features, which are a result of their breeding. Their flat noses, wrinkly skin, and perky ears make them incredibly cute, but these features can also contribute to excessive tearing. Understanding the anatomy of a French Bulldog’s face can help you better understand why they produce so many tears.

One primary factor contributing to excessive tearing in French Bulldogs is their flat noses. This breed has a shortened snout, which can cause its tear ducts to become blocked or narrow. Tears can’t drain properly when this happens, leading to a buildup of moisture around the eyes. Additionally, the wrinkles on a French Bulldog’s face can trap dirt and debris, leading to irritation and excessive tearing.

Despite these factors, it’s important to note that not all French Bulldogs will experience excessive tearing. Some may produce more tears than others, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is an underlying health issue. However, if your Frenchie is constantly tearing up or has tear stains around its eyes, it’s worth investigating further.

Common Reasons for Excessive Tearing in French Bulldogs

There are several reasons why French Bulldogs may produce excessive tears. Some of these reasons are harmless, while others may require medical attention. Here are some of the most common reasons why Frenchie cries:


French Bulldogs, like many other breeds, can develop allergies. Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and irritation in the eyes, leading to excessive tearing. Common allergens include pollen, dust, and certain types of food.

Eye Infections

Frequently overflowing tears from French Bulldogs are caused by any number of eye infections, whether bacterial, viral, or fungal. It can lead to redness around the eyes and discharge that may be accompanied by itchiness.


When the eyelid slides inward, a phenomenon known as entropion, the lashes scrape against the eye. It may irritate and harm your eyes, which could result in severe tearing.

Blocked Tear Ducts

As mentioned earlier, French Bulldogs with flat noses may have narrow or blocked tear ducts. It can prevent tears from draining properly, leading to excessive tearing.

Emotional Stress

Just like humans, dogs can experience emotional stress. When a French Bulldog is anxious, scared, or upset, it may produce more tears than usual. It can be a temporary issue, but if the stress is ongoing, it may lead to chronic tearing.

Health Issues That Can Cause Excessive Tearing in French Bulldogs

While some causes of excessive tearing in French Bulldogs are harmless, others may be more serious. Here are some health issues that can cause excessive tearing in Frenchie’s:

Chernobyl Eye

When a dog has cherry eye, the third eyelid gland gets inflamed and protrudes from the eye. Redness, swelling, and excessive tearing can all result from this.


Elevated eye pressure associated with glaucoma can harm the optic nerve. Other symptoms, including redness, cloudiness, and sensitivity to light, might result in excessive tearing.

Corneal Sores

Open lesions on the cornea are referred to as corneal ulcers. An injury, an infection, or an underlying medical condition could bring them on. In addition to pain, redness, and discharge, corneal ulcers can also result in excessive tearing.

A Dry Eye

Dogs with dry eyes experience dryness and irritation because their tear ducts don’t generate enough tears. Redness, swelling, soreness, and excessive tearing can all result from this.

Environmental Factors that May Cause French Bulldogs to Tear Too Much

In addition to health difficulties, various environmental factors might lead to excessive ripping in French Bulldogs. Here are a few of the more typical ones:


Irritants like dust, pollen, and smoke can irritate a French Bulldog’s eyes, leading to excessive tearing. If you notice that your Frenchie tears up more in specific environments, it may be due to irritants in the air.


Wind can also irritate a French Bulldog’s eyes, causing excessive tearing. If you live in a windy area, you may notice that your Frenchie produces more tears than usual.


Sunlight can cause a Frenchie’s eyes to water, especially light-sensitive ones. If your Frenchie spends a lot of time in the sun, you may notice that they produce more tears than usual.

Dry Air

Dry air can also contribute to excessive tearing in French Bulldogs. If the air in your home is dry, it can cause your Frenchie’s eyes to become irritated, leading to more tears.

How to Prevent Excessive Tearing in French Bulldogs

Preventing excessive tearing in French Bulldogs starts with identifying the underlying cause. If the issue is due to environmental factors, there are several things you can do to reduce tearing:

Avoid Irritants

If you know that your Frenchie is sensitive to certain irritants, like pollen or smoke, try to keep them away from these substances. You can also use an air purifier to reduce irritants in your home.

Protect from Wind and Sunlight

If your Frenchie is sensitive to wind or sunlight, consider using protective goggles or shades to shield their eyes.

Use a Humidifier

Using a humidifier can help keep the air in your home moist, which can reduce dryness and irritation in your Frenchie’s eyes.

Keep Face Clean

Keeping your Frenchie’s face clean can help prevent tear stains from forming. Use a soft cloth or pet wipe to gently clean around their eyes and remove any dirt or debris.

Treating Excessive Tearing in French Bulldogs

If your French Bulldog is experiencing excessive tearing due to a health issue, it’s important to seek veterinary care. Your vet may recommend medication, surgery, or other treatments to address the underlying issue. Here are some common treatments for excessive tearing in Frenchie’s:

Eye Drops or Ointments

If your Frenchie has an eye infection or dry eye, your vet may prescribe eye drops or ointments to help relieve symptoms.


In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct issues like entropion or cherry eye.


If your Frenchie has an eye infection, your vet may prescribe antibiotics to help clear it up.

Grooming Tips for French Bulldogs with Tear-Stained Faces

If your French Bulldog produces a lot of tears, you may notice that they develop tear stains around their eyes. These stains can be unsightly and difficult to remove. Here are some grooming tips for French Bulldogs with tear-stained faces:

Use Tear Stain Remover

There are several tear stain removers available on the market that can help remove tear stains from your Frenchie’s face. Be sure to choose a product that is safe for dogs and follow the instructions carefully.

Keep Face Clean

Regularly cleaning your Frenchie’s face can help prevent tear stains from forming. Use a gentle pet wipe or soft cloth to clean around their eyes and remove any dirt or debris.

Trim Hair Around Eyes

Trimming the hair around your Frenchie’s eyes can help prevent tear stains from forming. Be sure to use scissors or clippers that are specifically designed for pet grooming.

The Emotional Impact of Tear-Stained Faces on French Bulldogs and Their Owners

While tear stains may seem like a minor issue, they can have a significant emotional impact on both French Bulldogs and their owners. Tear-stained faces can make a Frenchie look sad or sickly, which can be distressing for their owners. Additionally, excessive tearing can be uncomfortable for Frenchie’s, leading to further emotional distress. It’s important to address the underlying cause of excessive tearing in French Bulldogs to help them feel more comfortable and happy.


French Bulldogs are a lovable breed, but they can produce a lot of tears. Understanding the reasons behind excessive tearing can help you better care for your Frenchie’s eyes and prevent tear stains from forming. If you notice that your Frenchie is producing excessive tears or has tear stains around their eyes, it’s important to investigate further and seek veterinary care if necessary. With proper care and attention, you can help your French Bulldog feel comfortable and happy, and keep their adorable little face tear-stain free.

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