Raw Diets for French Bulldogs: How to Ensure Proper Nutrition

Affectionate and adorable, French Bulldogs have become a household favorite. In recent years, raw food diets for canines have been rising in recognition – including with the Frenchie population. Rather than feeding your pup store-bought dog chow, this diet consists of raw meats such as bones and organs to provide an array of benefits like better digestion, healthier skin & coat condition, plus increased energy levels.

To ensure your beloved pet has the nutrition they need to stay healthy, this article will provide all the information you require on creating a balanced raw food diet tailored explicitly for French Bulldogs. Not only that, but we’ll also talk about the potential risks and benefits of such diets and tips that can help ensure success with transitioning them into one. Let’s explore what it takes to give your Frenchie proper sustenance through raw foods.

The Advantages of Feeding a Raw Food to Your French Bulldog

One of its main advantages is that raw food is more natural for your French Bulldog. Several people believe that raw diets are better for dogs’ evolutionary demands because they would hunt and consume their food raw in the wild. The additives and preservatives present in commercial dog food, which can be detrimental to your pet’s health, are also absent from raw diets. You can also ensure that your French Bulldog gets the proper nutrients for good health by giving them a raw diet.

One unique advantage of giving your French Bulldog a raw diet is its positive effects on its dental health. Raw meats and bones are excellent for maintaining good oral hygiene, as chewing them helps to reduce plaque buildup and tartar. Furthermore, you may notice improved skin conditions with fewer irritations or inflammations; in addition, they will boast vibrant coats since they will receive all the necessary nutrients from raw food sources. Lastly, many pet owners attest that their pets experience increased energy levels and better overall well-being when given a raw-food-based diet.

The Dangers of Feeding Raw Animals and How to Reduce Them

While feeding your French Bulldog a raw diet has numerous advantages, there are also some possible hazards. The possibility of bacterial infection is one of the most significant hazards. Salmonella and E. coli are two hazardous bacteria that can be found in raw meat and pose a threat to your family’s health as well as the health of your pet. It’s crucial to handle raw meat with care and to thoroughly cleanse your hands and any surfaces they may come into touch with.

An additional peril related to raw feeding is the possibility of an irregular diet for your pet. You must guarantee that your French Bulldog has a nutritious meal, including protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Crafting a suitable raw diet for your furry companion can be difficult; thus, consulting with a professional veterinary nutritionist is recommended to ensure your beloved pet’s optimum health.

The Dangers of Feeding Raw Animals and How to Reduce Them

While feeding your French Bulldog a raw diet has numerous advantages, there are also some possible hazards. The possibility of bacterial infection is one of the most significant hazards. Salmonella and E. coli are two hazardous bacteria that can be found in raw meat and pose a threat to your family’s health as well as the health of your pet. It’s crucial to handle raw meat with care and to thoroughly cleanse your hands and any surfaces they may come into touch with.

For optimal health, French Bulldogs should have a diet rich in quality proteins for muscle development, healthy fats for energy, and moderate carbohydrates from nutrient-packed sources like sweet potatoes or greens. Essential fatty acids such as fish or flaxseed are paramount to supplement their nutritional needs. 

What to Feed Your French Bulldog on a Raw Diet for Optimal Health and Nutrition

When planning a raw meal for your French Bulldog, you must ensure it contains the essential amino acids. To ensure this, why not consider these protein sources specifically tailored to their size? Uncooked meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and organ meat like liver, kidney, or heart are great options. Additionally, eggs (both steamed and raw) will contribute valuable nutrients too! Finally, salmon and sardines effectively provide omega-3 fatty acids, which have many potential health benefits.

Your French Bulldog’s diet should include healthy fats in addition to protein. To get the most out of your pup’s meals, consider these sources: omega-3-rich fish like squidgy; cannabis seed oil for a plant-based alternative; cocoa butter for an indulgent treat; and olive oil as a staple ingredient that can be used on virtually any dish.

Finally, to ensure your French Bulldog lives a happy and healthy life, forget the importance of offering them an array of fruits and vegetables. These nutrient-packed treats offer necessary vitamins, minerals as well as fiber. Consider sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, blueberries, or spinach. 

What Foods to Avoid in a Raw Diet for French Bulldogs

There are some foods you should stay away from while giving your French Bulldog a raw diet. A few of these are:

  • dairy goods (milk, cheese, yogurt)
  • packaged food (canned dog food, kibble)
  • Onions and garlic
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate

It’s important to note that while some of these foods may be safe in small quantities, they should not make up a significant portion of your French Bulldog’s diet.

How to Transition Your French Bulldog to a Raw Diet

Transforming your French Bulldog’s diet to a raw one may appear intimidating, but it can be accomplished effortlessly with the proper steps. To start on the right foot, gradually introducing raw foods into your pup’s food regimen is essential. Start by adding small amounts of raw meat or organs to their diet and gradually increase them over several days or weeks.

Monitoring your French Bulldog’s health during the transition is also important. Look for any signs of digestive upset, such as diarrhea or vomiting, and adjust their diet as needed. Finally, be patient and persistent. Some dogs may take longer to adjust to a raw diet than others, but with time and patience, most will make the transition successfully.

Meal Planning and Portion Control for French Bulldogs on a Raw Diet

A raw diet is essential to keep your French Bulldog in the best possible condition. It’s crucial to control their portions and plan meals carefully so they can receive all of the necessary nutrients for optimal health. Split up two servings daily – 2-3% of their body weight – to ensure your pup will always stay healthy.

Each meal should contain protein sources, high-quality food items, fats, vegetables, and fruits for additional nourishment benefits.

Supplements for the Raw Diet of French Bulldogs

While your French Bulldog will receive all the nutrients it needs for optimum health from well-balanced raw food, some pet owners prefer to supplement their diet with additional vitamins and minerals. There are a few supplements to consider:

  • Probiotics
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Multivitamins

It’s essential to consult with your veterinarian before adding any supplements to your pet’s diet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Raw Diets for French Bulldogs

Is a raw diet safe for French Bulldogs to consume? 

A: A properly handled and prepared raw diet is safe for French Bulldogs. Being aware of the hazards and consulting a veterinary nutritionist is essential to ensure your pet’s nutritional requirements are met.

Can French Bulldogs eat raw animal bones?

A: Absolutely, raw bones can be eaten by French Bulldogs. But it’s essential to choose bones that are appropriate for their size and to monitor them as they eat.

Is a raw diet more expensive than commercial dog food?

A: Compared to commercial dog food, raw diets may be more expensive, although prices might vary based on the quality and sources of the components.


Giving your French Bulldog a raw diet can have several advantages, including better digestion, more energy, and healthier skin and coat. Yet it’s crucial to check that your pet gets the proper nutrients for optimum health.

By understanding your French Bulldog’s nutritional needs and working with a veterinary nutritionist, you can create a balanced raw diet that meets their needs. With patience and persistence, most dogs can successfully transition to a raw diet and enjoy its many benefits.

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