French bull dog studz Puppies have been breeding French Bulldogs on their farm for more than 10 years to find a forever loving family for them. Puppies born on the farm live happily all over the US with their caring parents, but how it all started? What’s the story behind French bull dog studz Puppies and what’s the secret of their success? We reveal all of these details below.
French Bull Dog Studz Puppies’s Mission

French bull dog studz Puppies Co-Founder Gergely Kiss (or Geri, how everybody calls him) starts the day early on their farm in Southern-Hungary. “When we have new litters like now, it gets very busy here.” – smiles Geri. “But we are used to it and we love to see how they grow.”
Early mornings and perseverance are not unknown to him; not many of his clients know that he is an Olympic athlete, represented Hungary at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Bejing as a freestyle wrestler.
Both of them had already piled up a great deal of knowledge and experience with Frenchies and Geri could use what he learned from sport: discipline, respect for his partners and aiming at being the best.
“We are officially professional breeders, but I don’t like to think of ourselves as such. We raise happy and healthy Frenchies to find them a forever loving family in the US.”